results day

GCSE Results: 7 Funny Exam Answers You HAVE to Read!

To celebrate GCSE results day, we’ve scoured the internet and found some pretty amazing ‘answers’ to questions set in various tests for students. So, if you’ve got your pen and paper ready, let’s begin. Q 1. The first cells were probably…? A. Lonely. Q 2. Tony practices the piano 20 minutes every day. A. Effect: He is a big nerd. Q 3. What did Mahatma Gandhi and Genghis Khan have in common? A. Unusual names. Q 4. Explain why the concentration…

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Exams paper (photo credit: graphicstock)

Wow! Students ‘To Be Rewarded Up To £17,000’ For A-Level Results

Of course, there are cheaper ways to reward the hard work of students on A-Level results day – here are some options! Incentives offered by parents range from money from £5 up to a staggering £17,000 as well as holidays, cars and laptops, according to a survey commissioned by Leeds Beckett University. On average, the research found that A* to B grades are most likely to be rewarded with £100 per A grade and £50 for each B/C the national…

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