A pile of blue DVDs (graphicstock.com)

The future of storage: the DVD “with 40,000 HD films”

Scientists have reportedly found a way to create a DVD-sized disc that can hold 1,000 terabytes of data – enough to store 40,000 HD movies. It’s all to do with using lasers in a way akin to a fine tipped pen rather than a felt-tip pen – the old way – to write information to the disc, apparently. Two lasers have been used to massively increase the storage capacity of a DVD from 4.7 gigabytes. One beam partially blocks the light…

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The Zettabyte Age: the explosion in internet traffic

The scale of the internet is jaw-dropping – and it’s only going to get bigger and bigger. Just take a look at the infographic below and how many bytes of data are expected to be carried across the web by 2016. It’s a big number – so big that it’s got 21 zeros after the one. That number is known as a zettabyte and is equivalent to 250 BILLION DVDs. Put it another way, you wold need one BILLION one…

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