
The Zettabyte Age: the explosion in internet traffic

The scale of the internet is jaw-dropping – and it’s only going to get bigger and bigger. Just take a look at the infographic below and how many bytes of data are expected to be carried across the web by 2016. It’s a big number – so big that it’s got 21 zeros after the one. That number is known as a zettabyte and is equivalent to 250 BILLION DVDs. Put it another way, you wold need one BILLION one…

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How Many Memory Cards ‘Equal’ The Memory Capacity Of The Human Brain?

625,000 4GB memory cards is the ‘answer’ – which stacked on one another would be a tower just under 6 miles high! Human brain memory storage “equals” around 2.5 petabytes. That’s the huge amount of memory that Paul Reber, professor of psychology at Northwestern University in the US, has come up with in considering the size of the brain’s memory storage capacity. It’s all to do with the one billion neurons and the trillion connections between them, with each neuron…

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