Living the REAL good life: swapping the city for the country

For those who live in cities with the commotion, noise and hassle that it brings, the thought of swapping it for a life in the country growing your own food and enjoying a different sort of life can be a halcyon dream. And that desire for a different lifestyle can only get stronger with the arrival of children – for them to have space and clear air in which to grow up in. Making the move: financially poorer, but emotionally…

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The Zettabyte Age: the explosion in internet traffic

The scale of the internet is jaw-dropping – and it’s only going to get bigger and bigger. Just take a look at the infographic below and how many bytes of data are expected to be carried across the web by 2016. It’s a big number – so big that it’s got 21 zeros after the one. That number is known as a zettabyte and is equivalent to 250 BILLION DVDs. Put it another way, you wold need one BILLION one…

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