
World-beating flash drive revealed

“Fastest ever” SSD flash drive with 10 gigabytes per second (10GB/s) unveiled by Seagate. It’s more than 4GB/s faster than the previous holder of the title, which hovered around the 6GB/s mark. Data processing demands The pre-production unit, which lays the foundations for a new solid state drive (SSD) product for release later in 2016, is designed for big data centres looking to adopt the fastest flash technology while cutting their power and cost pressures at the same time. “Technology advancements…

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Awesome video: How to make a simple motor with an AA battery

Watch experts from the At-Bristol Science Centre create a simple electric motor using a battery, a magnet, a screw and insulated wire. (Video credit: At-Bristol/YouTube) We think this is a pretty awesome demonstration from the team and thanks for using batteries! The video features Sarah Stephens and Nerys Shah, from the centre’s Live Science Team and was produced by  Ross Exton, Live Science Video Producer. Find out more about the At-Bristol Science Centre > click here Find out more about 7dayshop batteries > click…

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A pile of blue DVDs (

The future of storage: the DVD “with 40,000 HD films”

Scientists have reportedly found a way to create a DVD-sized disc that can hold 1,000 terabytes of data – enough to store 40,000 HD movies. It’s all to do with using lasers in a way akin to a fine tipped pen rather than a felt-tip pen – the old way – to write information to the disc, apparently. Two lasers have been used to massively increase the storage capacity of a DVD from 4.7 gigabytes. One beam partially blocks the light…

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Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

“Meteorite strike”: may have been part of house-sized asteroid predicted to pass “close” to Earth

Officials think part of a house sized asteroid that was predicted to skirt past our planet could be behind a mysterious explosion in central America. At the time of closest approach, the asteroid was predicted to be about one-tenth the distance from the centre of our planet to the moon – that’s about 25,000 miles (40,000 kilometres). Experts at US space agency Nasa said that the 60ft (20 metre) asteroid – designated 2014 RC – would safely pass us by during the weekend just passed. Meteorite hits…

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Could shouting charge your mobile phone in future?

If you have ever shouted at your mobile phone, it could actually do some good in the future. Using sound to charge a mobile phone could become a reality, according to new research. A team from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and mobile phone maker Nokia have created an energy-harvesting prototype – a nanogenerator – that could be used to charge a mobile phone using everyday background noise. That could be traffic, music or even our own voices. The…

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Could your phone store millions of photos – in fact “your life” in a few years?

Imagine storing 32 million photos on your phone? Or what about the equivalent of 11 years of home video footage? Surely, that isn’t possible? Well, it might not be possible yet – but could there be a huge jump in memory storage? Could you “store your life” on your phone? Technology company HP says it is developing technology that it says could lead to a phone with 100 terabytes (TB) of storage – and that is one heck of a lot of storage. Just take a…

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Living the REAL good life: swapping the city for the country

For those who live in cities with the commotion, noise and hassle that it brings, the thought of swapping it for a life in the country growing your own food and enjoying a different sort of life can be a halcyon dream. And that desire for a different lifestyle can only get stronger with the arrival of children – for them to have space and clear air in which to grow up in. Making the move: financially poorer, but emotionally…

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The Zettabyte Age: the explosion in internet traffic

The scale of the internet is jaw-dropping – and it’s only going to get bigger and bigger. Just take a look at the infographic below and how many bytes of data are expected to be carried across the web by 2016. It’s a big number – so big that it’s got 21 zeros after the one. That number is known as a zettabyte and is equivalent to 250 BILLION DVDs. Put it another way, you wold need one BILLION one…

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How Many Memory Cards ‘Equal’ The Memory Capacity Of The Human Brain?

625,000 4GB memory cards is the ‘answer’ – which stacked on one another would be a tower just under 6 miles high! Human brain memory storage “equals” around 2.5 petabytes. That’s the huge amount of memory that Paul Reber, professor of psychology at Northwestern University in the US, has come up with in considering the size of the brain’s memory storage capacity. It’s all to do with the one billion neurons and the trillion connections between them, with each neuron…

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